Silk zentai, show your sexy charming

To many people, the silk zentai is one unusually style, all right, the silk zentai is not very common as other styles. Only from the fabric,spandex outfit you could know that this one is suit for the woman, because the silk fabric is one material that show woman mellow and sexy charming. The silk fabric is very thin, so most silk zentai are transparent, i remember i mentioned that this silk zentai is very suit hot summer, if you have one zentai theme party, i think this style zentai not only could male you very comfortable and cool, but also make you become the focus among people. Why silk zentai is not so popular as others, i think one point is for its own characteristic, the silk zentai is for woman, but man are more than woman among the zentai enthusiasts. However, the zentai is developing so fast, and more woman join us,harley quinn mermaid so i think the progress of silk zentai could becoming better. As i know many silk zentai also adopt the embroidery pattern avoid give people quite expose feeling. Besides, you could also add some accessories to match it, such as the cowboy vest, the mini skirt ect. These collocation could make your total style become more fashion and unique.zentai superhero costumes

Par zhulouboutin10 le vendredi 29 juillet 2011


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