How to DIY your zentai

There must many people think, why my zentai catsuit is not so cool or unique spiderman suitthan others, even the similar style and design. I also think about this question when i began to get in touch with the zentai costume, what i think of them is very monotonous and similar, i did not think about other advantages, except the comfortable as the enthusiasts said. But when i saw the stars or the senior zentai fans wearing their zentai, i feel it was so cool and unique, why? Latter, i found that, most of them changed their zentai catsuit a little and then make it so catsuit So today, i collect some of them, and i post here, i hope you could like, and if you like it, or you have some idea, you are welcomed to leave a massage to me.Green Zentai Suit
Par zhulouboutin10 le vendredi 29 juillet 2011


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